I apologize for the delay in getting this weeks info out and I hope
you checked out last weeks post for this past weekends events
and headed downtown for all the great events that were going on!
for more info
most westobou events taking
place downtown are listed
below see website for complete
list of events.
MONDAY september 20
A Look Back, A Look Ahead
Augusta Photography Festival Exhibit
Lamar House (415 7th St.) - 9am-5pm - Free
exhibit continues through week
Whiskey Painters of America Exhibit
Zimmerman Gallery - 10am-2pm - Free
exhibit continues through the week
The Faux de Verzy Exhibit
Augusta Canal Interpretive Center - 9:30am-5:30pm
exhibit continues through the week
Design Concepts Scale Model Exhibit
Casa Blanca Cafe - 10am-5pm
exhibit continues through the week
Augusta-Columbia Connection Exhibit
Old Richmond Academy (540 Telfair) - 10am-5pm - Free
exhibit continues through the week
Scenes of the River Exhibit
Gallery on the Row - 10:30am-5:30pm - Free
exhibit continues through the week
Open Studio with David Yaghjian and Mike Williams
Old Richmond Academy (540 Telfair) - 11am-2pm - Free
Art Experience with Lou Ann Zimmerman
La Maison on Telfair - 6-9pm - $10
includes light hors d'oeuvres and cash bar
Jubba and Friends in concert
Augusta Commons - 6-9pm - $5
gospel recording artist with choirs, dancers and more
Westobou Organ Series: Herb Buffington
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection (825 Greene) - 7pm - Free
Laurel and Hardy with Music
St. Pauls Episcopal Church (605 Reynolds) - 7:30pm - $5
Vintage 965 - Melie Bianco Bag Order
Vintage 965 Online (pick up location 965 Broad)
taking orders now thru friday at noon
view online for more info
In The Eyes of a Child
Book Tavern
Children and Young Adults (K-12) are invited to view a painting
and write a story or essay based on their impressions. Noteable
works will be selected from four age groups and published in various
forms, including a chapbook that will be available at the store. Pre-K
children are invited to draw pictures inspired by the painting and
post them in the store during the event. All material are provided.
rsvp on facebook
TUESDAY september 21
Wolf Kahn: Pastels Exhibit
Morris Museum of Art - 10am-5pm
exhibit continues through the week
Art Experience: Margaret Petterson
Low Country Oils
Zimmerman Gallery - 10am-12pm - $10
Commission Meeting
530 Greene St - 5pm
Art Experience: Margaret Petterson Personal Critique
Casa Blanca Cafe - 6-8pm - $10
includes light hors d'oeuveres and cash bar
The Music of What Happens
Le Chat Noir - 7pm - $10
Jonny Diaz in Concert
brought to by WAFJ
Augusta Commons - 7pm - free
John Fisher and Band
Fox's Lair - 7:30-9pm
Irish Music
Vintage 965 - Melie Bianco Bag Order
Vintage 965 Online (pick up location 965 Broad)
taking orders now thru friday at noon
view online for more info
In The Eyes of a Child
Book Tavern
Children and Young Adults (K-12) are invited to view a painting
and write a story or essay based on their impressions. Noteable
works will be selected from four age groups and published in various
forms, including a chapbook that will be available at the store. Pre-K
children are invited to draw pictures inspired by the painting and
post them in the store during the event. All material are provided.
rsvp on facebook
WEDNESDAY september 22
Art Experience: Barbara Dunham - Fine Art Collage
Zimmerman Gallery - 10am-12pm - $10
Painters Reel: Contemporary Painting in Georgia
Morris Museum of Art - 10am-5pm
Open Studio with Laura Spong and Jeff Donovan
Old Richmond Academy (540 Telfair) - 11am-2pm - Free
Westobou Organ Series: Ken Courtney
St. John United Methodist Church (736 Greene) - 11am- Free
Suds and Conversation
Foxs Lair - 6pm
Art Experience: Barbara Dunham
Casa Blanca Cafe - 6-8pm - $10
includes light hors d'oeuvres and cash bar
Moonlight Music Cruise: The Wynns
Augusta Canal - 6:15-7:45pm - $24
Americana Bluegrass
Tango Classes
Casa Blanca Cafe - 7pm - $15/person
no partner required
space is limited call 706-504-3431 to sign up
Vintage 965 - Melie Bianco Bag Order
Vintage 965 Online (pick up location 965 Broad)
taking orders now thru friday at noon
view online for more info
In The Eyes of a Child
Book Tavern
Children and Young Adults (K-12) are invited to view a painting
and write a story or essay based on their impressions. Noteable
works will be selected from four age groups and published in various
forms, including a chapbook that will be available at the store. Pre-K
children are invited to draw pictures inspired by the painting and
post them in the store during the event. All material are provided.
rsvp on facebook
The Cubists + Black Swans
Soul Bar
THURSDAY september 23
Art Experience: Charles Young Walls - Oil Portraiture
Gallery on the Row - 10am-12pm - $10
Ceramics Demonstration by Jeff Donovan
Gertrude Herbert - 12pm - Free
Sandwiches and Tea Provided
Lionheart, Donnybrook, Call to Preserve,
Stand United, and Ironwill
Sector 7G - 6pm - $10
Art Experience: Charles Young Walls - Oil Portraiture
Gallery on the Row - 6-8pm - $10
Moonlight Music Cruise: Cross Tie Walkers
Augusta Canal - 6:15-7:45pm - $24
Blues and Bluegrass guitar trio
Tango Club Milonga
Casa Blanca Cafe - 6:30pm
Davidsons Drama Department presents...
"On the Day and the Days that Followed"
Davidson Fine Arts School - 7-8pm - $4-$6
Vintage 965 - Melie Bianco Bag Order
Vintage 965 Online (pick up location 965 Broad)
taking orders now thru friday at noon
view online for more info
Augusta Ballet presents...
Remember Me
Imperial Theatre - 7-11:30pm - $20-$70
90's Night
Sky City - 9pm - Free
In The Eyes of a Child
Book Tavern
Children and Young Adults (K-12) are invited to view a painting
and write a story or essay based on their impressions. Noteable
works will be selected from four age groups and published in various
forms, including a chapbook that will be available at the store. Pre-K
children are invited to draw pictures inspired by the painting and
post them in the store during the event. All material are provided.
rsvp on facebook
FRIDAY september 24
Shotgun Opera
Playground Bar - 5:30pm
Morsberger Mania
Morris Museum of Art - 6-8pm - $10-15
food, fun, live music, and art activities
rsvp on facebook
Moonlight Music Cruise: Tara Scheyer
Augusta Canal - 6:15-7:45pm - $24
Singer Songwriter
3rd Annual Casino Night
Sacred Heart - 6:30-10:30pm - $50/person or $85/couple
Casino Night is a fundraiser for SafeHomes of Augusta
rsvp on facebook
A Visual Arts and Jazz Cafe
First Presbyterian Church (642 Telfair) - 7-9pm - Free
graphic artists, photographers, and videographers and a live jazz ensemble
pastries, coffee and tea will be provided.
Davidsons Drama Dept presents
On the Day and the Days that Followed
Davidson Fine Arts School - 7-8pm - $4-6
Ron White
Bell Auditorium - 7:30pm - $37.75
Blue Collar Comedian returns to Augusta
with his new stand up show. This show is
intended for mature audiences.
Clay, Form, and Color: A Hands-On Workshop with Eva Kwong
Heritage Academy - $145-$195
Disco Hell
Sky City - 9pm - Ladies Free
Vintage 965 - Melie Bianco Bag Order
Vintage 965 Online (pick up location 965 Broad)
taking orders now thru friday at noon
view online for more info
In The Eyes of a Child
Book Tavern
Children and Young Adults (K-12) are invited to view a painting
and write a story or essay based on their impressions. Noteable
works will be selected from four age groups and published in various
forms, including a chapbook that will be available at the store. Pre-K
children are invited to draw pictures inspired by the painting and
post them in the store during the event. All material are provided.
rsvp on facebook
SATURDAY september 25
Smithsonian Museum Day
Free Admission to many area Museums
must present free pass available to print online
click here for details
Augusta Market
8th and Reynolds - 8am-2pm
Saturday Morning Swing: Ke-Ju
Augusta Market - 10am-12pm
Porter Fleming Literary Competition Awards Ceremony
Morris Museum of Art - 5-7pm
Afternoon Wine and Cheese Artist Talk
with Laura Spong moderated by Wim Roelfs
Old Richmond Academy (540 Telfair) - 5pm - Free
Roselyn, Woe is Me, Avia Maris, Aralic, Idamara,
Have At It, Open Casket Smile
Sector 7G - 6pm - $8
The Liz Lerman Dance Exchange Production of Drift
Imperial Theatre - 7pm - $20
An Evening with C.S. Lewis
Heritage Academy - 7:30-9:30pm - $10
Al Green
Bell Auditorium - 8pm - $40-50
Stillview, Undead University, and Blurring the Line
HD Lounge - 9pm - $3
In The Eyes of a Child
Book Tavern
Children and Young Adults (K-12) are invited to view a painting
and write a story or essay based on their impressions. Noteable
works will be selected from four age groups and published in various
forms, including a chapbook that will be available at the store. Pre-K
children are invited to draw pictures inspired by the painting and
post them in the store during the event. All material are provided.
rsvp on facebook
SUNDAY september 26
IronMan 70.3
Downtown Augusta - 7am-4pm
details - http://www.ironmanaugusta.com/
also many downtown shops, galleries and restaurants
will open up for this event - please stop in and support them.
Worship Service
The Weel - 10:45am
Music at the Morris: Diana Thompson
Morris Museum of Art - 2pm
Tour: Painters Reel - Contemporary Painting in Georgia
Morris Museum of Art - 3:15pm - Free
In The Eyes of a Child
Book Tavern
Children and Young Adults (K-12) are invited to view a painting
and write a story or essay based on their impressions. Noteable
works will be selected from four age groups and published in various
forms, including a chapbook that will be available at the store. Pre-K
children are invited to draw pictures inspired by the painting and
post them in the store during the event. All material are provided.
if you know of an event downtown that is not listed
or of an upcoming event downtown that you would
like listed please email me at vintage965@yahoo.com
or message me on facebook - www.facebook.com/claireriche